One of my current tenant is behind on rent. They were injured on the job and have a pending worker's compensation claim. But they have not paid previous months in full and nothing for current month. I have doubts that...

I am a new investor and need advice in choosing "where" to invest. Everything is composed of little steps and I think the first step I should make is determining how to pick "where" I want to start investing. In the f...

Interesting article

Just happened to watch Dateline Sunday night and they did a great piece on Detroit. A recap Detroit economy is going through some of its toughest times. There are rows of vacant, damaged houses with nearly vacant ne...

I recently had an encounter with an ESA situation at one of my rental properties that prompted me to do some research. It was so bogus that I couldn’t look the other way. I am a mental health therapist in private prac...

http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/...What do you think about the new First Come-First Served regulations? Along with the strengthening of the "source of income" protected class. This means that someo...

Looking to dialoguge on this topic so let me begin by saying this;
I do not believe that we should have an open border, however in a country where we enjoy the melting pot status, where Ellis Island brought in the an...
Hi All,
Just curious as to whether or not anyone is familiar with the exploding markets in North Dakota and Texas surrounding the new oil and gas extracting technologies? Some of my contacts are starting to ask me q...

I want to caution everyone against investing with Techvestor (techvestor.com)
or related companies Scoutpads, Metallic Blue Development (MBD) and
Superhost Labs. All of them are centered around Sief Khafagi and hi...

To make a sale in a tough market we had to include the basement development, and we had 30 days to do it. We prepared a tight schedule and stuck to it to meet our objective of having the basement done in time for the...