Greetings to everyone who does business in the Columbus areas, and just in GENERAL (Globally). I've been in this for 3 months, and been through the UP's and downs. Gotten deals done, and other times been worst case sc...

I'm not seeing too many posts about inflation in regards to real estate and curious what everyone's take is. In most markets prices are still rapidly appreciating. What portion of that is inflation coming in to play?

Hi,Im looking for direction, help, advice, or even someone whose willing to take me under their wing. Anything helps!I have inherited land and property which is free and clear. So I decided 9 months ago that I'd get i...

DISCLOSURE: I am a newbie of newbies, who wants REI to be the vehicle to provide income to provide a better life for my family and to fund a better retirement down the road. I am most interested in the power of choi...

Hi all,Just curious if there are any RE investing clubs here in Dallas that you'd recommend where members discuss and share ideas without having someone try to get them to join their exclusive club that costs thousand...

I was looking at inventory on bank's websites of properties they have for sale.I am confused as to why their listings are not on the MLS?When you click on a property it provides information of an asset management comp...
Hello, I believe I had a major discrepancy in the appraisal, which was verified by an architect, but I wanted to turn here for advice.The home, calculated by W X L, is 38ft wide, by 40ft long. The home also has a bonu...

Hi Everyone! Hoping to get much needed advice. My husband and I are getting really interested in REI (particularly buy and hold, single-family homes in the Seacoast of New Hampshire or Maine). We are in our early 30s,...


Hello All, I keep coming across all of these "Hard Money Lenders" who claim to lend you money only to find out it is actually a course that takes your money (thousands upon thousands of your hard earned dollars and ma...