Hello Everyone I Was Interest On Trying To See How Could I become A Good Man By Become A House Own Such As A Landlord House Owner Etc .. I Don’t know How To Go About It I Was Sent On here to Get help I Have 12 Thousan...

I currently am looking at 2 vacant properties on the same street. I can't seem to figure out how to get the owners information though. I was wondering if anyone can recommend somewhere that I can obtain that informati...

Antonia Noori Farzan recently wrote a wonderful article in the Providence Journal about rooming houses. Though my real estate business focuses on multifamily housing, this topic resonates deeply with me.
I remember...
so i recently purchased this house from Judicial Sale auction and the owner is Deceased.. he has left behind some stuff including a nice car which is worth about 25k or more, would it possible for me to get a title an...

I am looking for a legit private mortgage or investor, I have a house owned since 1999 NOVA SUBURB OF DC in great shape almost $400k in equity, I need either a no doc six month second of $50,000 or a six month sale/l...
Newbie here, sorry if i am asking a stupid question... So my question is that , the bottom line is the property you own should be rented to make all this happen. I would like to know if there is a any peer reviewed ...

Hi! I have a question about a project I'm working on. I have been hitting some road blocks and I just don't know what it means. I entered this properties address into the county assessor page; nothing came up. I then ...

Found a pre-foreclosure and touched base w/family, they said home is owned by either county or state. It hasn't gone into auction yet and relative said no deed. Any suggestions for getting around this?

I recently did a drive by and got a list of about 12 houses that appear to be vacant. I went to the local assessors office and looked up the tax records for addresses and on all but 1 property the tax address and the...
Good morning from Houston TX,I recently got in touch with a person that "owns"/ is making payments on a house that was owned by his father. His father passed away and a will was not created nor a probate exist either...