I was walking through my new rental property checking the condition of the window blinds and I opened one up to discover that the neighboring property has a security camera aimed straight at it. It's one of those 360 ...

I’m looking at a bank REO that needs some repair (only 20 years old), but it’s the drainage issue in the backyard that worries me. The yard is on a slope, and it looks like that rain water would run towards the house ...

Hello all, I'm a new investor renting my first property out by the room and I need some advice on a difficult situation. There are three tenants in the single family home.I recently received troubling reports form Roo...
I worked through an application and was able to approve the applicant. As time has drawn near for move in, utilities have been a topic of conversation. During such - via text message ((in writing)) the applicant made ...

I am a landlord. One of my tenants hasn't paid their monthly rent. I've contacted them many times, text, call, and in person, yet they still haven't paid the rent which includes the late fee. However, the tenant seems...

I am in the process of closing on a property in NJ.Literally in the mid's of things, title in works, loan approved, appraisal completed, just got it back today (expensive: by the bank).This is a non primary, investme...

I'm looking at a triplex and I know that the owner lives less than half a mile from me. I've spoken with the sellers agent but would it be appropriate to knock on the owners door and ask him questions directly? Thanks!

Had an out of state FSBO request a photo of my Driver's License before they would have a family member meet me at the property...this seems inappropriate to me...thoughts?

ive had this tenant for about 2 years now and hes a menace. He sends inappropriate text messages (pictures on mens genitals) among other things calling me bad words and what not. Are these grounds for eviction? anybod...

I have a unit in a duplex (in Texas) that's occupied by long term tenants that were there when I purchased the property. They are an elderly couple and the husband is handicapped. He can walk with a walker, but it's...