I am trying to get a sense of the cost of rehabbing homes/construction in Philadelphia for a light rehab, mid rehab, to full gut renovation/shell on a price per square foot basis. Any input is appreciated. Also, looki...

HEY HOSTSS!! Would you say influencer marketing is worth the investment?

I am officially lobbying for our fearless leader to add some new awards to the sight in response to the rapid advancements here.
I am the first to have crossed the 20,000 influence level and would like to see a 25,00...

Two major real estate policies president Trump is supporting - Negative rates - (trump directly tweeted today)- Fannie/Freddy restructuring - ( more of administration support)These are two MAJOR influences in the mark...

Several external factors determine the best time to invest in a property, whether it involves getting a mortgage or making an instant purchase. However, the most significant influence tends to be the yearly seasons of...

Direct participation programs allow individuals to invest in and have a stake in ranching operations, often including livestock production.
If more people choose to participate directly in ranches, it could influence...

Although many real estate entrepreneurs have had broad success with marketing by email, direct mail, telephone, and other channels, why haven't such technological forms of marketing come to completely replace the olde...

If you were given $5k per month, it could only be spent on marketing, and you had to spend it all, what would you do?

Since the Jobs Act was passed in 2012 there has been a lot of debate about Title III of the Jobs Act; which would allow non-accredited investors to invest smaller amount of money into private companies. My question co...

Thought I would start a thread to see how different people define risk and take it into consideration.When I was in Grad School one of the finance advisors, who also manage money for other people, defined risk as "The...