The climate crisis is already here, and the cost of real estate is being directly affected. Insurance premiums are skyrocketing, costs to build are rising, and your reserves need to be bigger than ever. Tornados, hurr...

I'd like to get a feeling of what the average cost of insurance for multi-family properties with 5 to 12 units might be. If anyone could chime is as to how much they pay and where they are located (I imagine a big ci...

We are buying a triplex in Philly, as a rental, not to live in. Regarding the cost of insuring the building, which is being purchased for $262,500, my agent quoted me $2486/year. Does this sound reasona...

I’m about to close on my first investment property, is renters insurance generally covered by the owner or the tenant? I’ve heard it go both ways but not sure why. Anyone have any suggestions?

We're in the process of renewing our insurance policies on our apartment and commercial properties throughout Florida, and I'm being told to expect 15% increases across the board for property, liability, crime, etc. a...

I could sure use some advise. A drunk drove into a pillar of my small strip center. Because the bricks are so old and unmatchable, my insurance company offered to rebuild the pillar then apply PAINT to all of the re...

I am buying my second investment property. It's an old school building that's been converted to a 14 unit apartment building. The property has a positive cash flow. But, the previous owner was seriously under-insured ...

On average, how much do real estate investors spend on homeowners insurance for single-family homes in the Phoenix, AZ area per year?
Hi everyone, I’m underwriting a park in Boise, Idaho, and I’m looking for some help determining what insurance will be. The park has 100 lots, 40ish of which have park owned homes on them. The park owned homes are sin...

I am having a difficult time analyzing multi-unit properties primarily because of the insurance numbers. I have contacted several different companies/brokers in the area and they have all said about the same thing. ...