I have properties in both my personal name and business LLC name. Some of the ones in my personal name have conventional financing and others are free and clear. Similar with the ones in the LLC, some with private l...

Had Verizon Wireless for 3 Iphones 2 paid off 1 paying$44 per month for a IphoneX total monthly $200 and thought i was on the cheapest plan with 22% company savings. Wanted to get out of the $44 per month IphoneX and ...

So I own a few 3 flats one which is mine free and clear of any loans, conservatively it's valued at 335.
I stumbled on an owner of a 18 unit that wants to sell. I looked at the property ran the numbers and I want it! ...

How to figure out what tax bracket you’ll be in during retirement? For example, let’s say a single person makes a 100K per year on W-2 right now working for a corporate world. It’s taxed at about 25-30 percent, right...

Hi All,I am looking for ideas of what other investors recommend doing while waiting to pull their cash out of a BRRRR?I have been thinking of asking for a Line of Credit or personal loan to purchase another property i...

Hi BP community,
I own a rental (recently was a primary) in the Bay Area and couple of duplexes in the California Central Valley, and properties in Indiana. However, I am currently renting the place we live in and no...

Can anyone help analyze this refi scenario?
I am looking at refinancing 2 SFH properties which currently have 15 year amort, 5 year balloon, 6.625% interest, with just over 2 years left on the balloons. I have 10 ...

I have a STR which I renovated using a HELOC on my primary home. Balance is $79k at 7%. No other mortgage on the STR. The STR has been in business now for 8 months. Gross earnings average is $2k per month. Is it p...

Wondered if I could get some more experience REI eyes to look over my numbers. Something doesn't seem right—am I really not going to make any money?I'm looking to convert my current home (7 yrs old) into a rental.Curr...

I was hoping to get feedback on business lines of credit secured by free and clear real estate. For the sake of this discussion, here's an example scenario: If a person had 5 properties free and clear, valued at ...