Hi Everyone - I am looking to get my start in owning rental properties this year (single family residence) and have been running analyses in different markets throughout AZ where I live. I wanted to get your thoughts ...

I'm looking for people that have experience with running an Airbnb in Baltimore. Preferably if you rent the property as opposed to owning it yourself, however I will take any advice I can get. How did you start? What ...

I have tenants who have been in for one year and thus far they've been great. I don't want to get complacent, so I was wondering if anyone could share a story where a tenant was great for a year or two and then change...

I saw a post on here a while back with practically a street-by-street rundown by someone familiar with Cleveland ranking the various neighborhoods. Anyone have or seen a list like that for Columbus? We are looking at ...

Hi all,I've recently purchased myself a condo (2bed 2bath 1200sqft) in Roswell that was priced under 25k to what similar condos in the community are going for albeit they are fixed up a bit more (new paint, appliances...

Hello my fellow BP members! I have been a member on BP for sometime now but have never taken the time to make an introduction post. Mainly because I am always busy taking in all the priceless information provided on h...

Good afternoon,Looking forward to being a member of the site. I'm just getting started and trying to soak up as much knowledge about real estate investing as I can. I found this site reading "The Book on Rental Pro...

It is my understanding flipping houses is taxed at ordinary income. If the house is held for one year then it is taxed lower. Is this true, and if so, would it make sense for my partner and I to flip the property, ren...
Fundamentals: A Philosophy for Success in Life and Real Estate
Note: This article was written in collaboration with ChatGPT, an AI large language model, and reflects the philosophy and opinions of the author, Aaro...

Hi I’m a 23 year old business owner in NYC. I have had to temporarily shut down two businesses in the middle of busy season. COVID-19 took everyone by surprise including myself. I try and look at things from a glass h...