Anyone have experience with Allied business school to take the 3 mandatory courses?

What is the best online real estate school in Alabama where students can talk with instructors?

I am researching real estate schools that offer Colorado coursework. A good number of the schools have negative reviews so I am wary. I want to take courses online and am looking for a company that offers up-to-date i...

Good afternoon Bigger Pockets world. I have recently started educating myself on the housing market. I thought it would be a good start for me to acquire my real estate license.e As a full time employee in construct...

After reading several books, listening to podcast etc. on REI, especially Matt Faircloth's "Raising Private Capital" (you should see the notes i have from this book!! ) I have decided to invest in my education a lit...

Hello Everyone,
I want to get my real estate license within the next couple of months in Maryland and am looking to take the class required hours online. Any online schools you recommend?
To the seasoned professio...

im looking to obtain my real estate license online im currently looking at schools does anyone have any recommendations that i should look at

I was wondering if anyone has any advice for which online real estate school would be good that is Texas TREC . I have brokerage lined up but not sure which school would be the most cost effective that is TR...

Hello All, I am going to be getting my license and wanted to get feedback on different online schools in Colorado. If you can recommend a school please let me know! Thank you so much. -ash
Hey everyone,My name is Sean and I'm new here on bigger pockets and I'm looking to get my real estate license online to help me in my journey to becoming a successful real estate investor. So I was wondering if anyone...