In my area there is a city that has a bad rep for crimes, is lower income housing, etc. A new casino just was put up in the busiest part of the city, springfield Massachusetts and I’m noticing a lot of high end renova...

Good afternoon everyone,
I am a 20 year old Marine currently deployed, upon my return i plan to buy homes and rent them out. This is a piece of what i wrote today and would I would like some feedback. Much ap...

What's the best way to learn RE development without actually going out and buying a piece of land then praying that you can find a good team to build a house on? I talked to a few RE investors and all of them told ...

Greetings from Seattle! I live in the shoreline area of Seattle with my husband and have been listening to the bigger pockets podcast for months now as well as reading as much as I can about real estate (can you say...

Hello Everybody!
My wife and I are still working through getting our first investment opportunity and we feel were getting close. A lot of opportunities are steering us towards the Portsmouth, Virginia area. I've rea...

I'm a new investor, planning to move from New York to South Carolina to have access to the real estate markets of the Carolinas and Georgia. Say I live in S. Carolina, but buy a 4-plex in Georgia. Do I need to file 3 ...

I have a tenant whose lease ended on July 31. They haven’t been the best tenants and I would prefer not to renew their lease for another year. When I informed my property management company that I would like to give t...

Hello to everyone in the bigger pockets community I'd like to start out by admiring all that post questions and answers on here. I've learned plenty in the short span of time on the blog. My name is Mateus Silva I am ...

Hello everyone,I am a little sad right now. The opportunity that my husband and I had has been sold. I am not sure if we will keep pursuing the dream of owning rental property in Victor. We are leasing our current bui...

OK so I may have exaggerated the subject heading a bit. Although coming from the marketing background I did, I do know how to get your attention! :mrgreen: I am a multi-millionaire in South Florida...in my mind. ...