57 years old, recently gave up on 401K (interest rates are terrible past few years) and got 1 family home rental. A more stable of building wealth is to have as many rental properties as possible before I'm forced to ...

Hello, a little bit about me, I’m 30 years old from Florida I moved up to Alaska a while back where I commercial fish, I make 6 figures a year but I’m gone 7-8 months a year which is extremely taxing on my life, menta...

My father is a GC in Pennsylvania who has decades of experience. He is interested in possible property management in northeastern PA area. He is still working hard in his 60s and can offer a ton of wisdom and knows ho...

Greetings,I am a newbie here, and just recently started researching real estate investments. I have listened to dozens of Bigger Pockets YouTube videos and I'm hooked! I am interested in house hacking, and possibly ...

I was in the US Navy for a few years and got out to spend more time with my family. I've worked several jobs, most of them time consuming and physically demanding, but I've been interested in real estate for a number ...

I love contradiction.I've listened to most BP podcasts. Just about every guest says, one way or another, in the famous 4, the key is getting going is to do something. Many types of income from real estate investing ...

57 years old, recently gave up on 401K (interest rates are terrible past few years) and got 1 family home rental. A more stable of building wealth is to have as many rental properties as possible before I'm forced ...

Start off by saying I hate my current job. Very physically demanding and just not work I like(been here 5 months). With that said, I was planning on hiking out for 2 years to get a FHA owner occupied loan but was also...

I am a practical 1 + 2 = 3 type of person. Not your typical sink or swim, loyal risk takers like "most relator's are predicted to be. But Real Estate interest me! It is a mixture of the potential for financial securit...

Hey BP folks. This is for CPA’s n here. Is it too late for me to begin an accounting/finance career? I’m 28 almost 29 this year 2018. I’m currently in oil field fracking. It’s a physically demanding job and this Texas...