I've seen/heard that putting goals out for all to see can help them come to fruition more often than those that are kept secret. I suppose one reason that many people don't like to put their goals out there is fear or...

https://therealdeal.com/miami/2022/02/19/tampa-area-home-billed-as-first-in-us-to-be-sold-as-an-nft/#:~:text=From%20the%20listing%2C%20it%20looks,as%20a%20non%2Dfungible%20token.Here's the article with the house in qu...

I just listed my house for sale on Zillow / Trulia *only* yesterday and received an informal offer that we're both happy with. Neither of us have an agent, but this buyer seems like he's done this before (buying out ...

I love Bitcoin. I also love investing in real estate. Would some type of Bitcoin Q&A be good for the investor community on here? I think we're too often "real estate vs X". In reality, all different types of inves...

Just curious what other investors think. Is this just another hype deal or is this a new reality for possible rent collection?
Side note, I tried to sell a house for bitcoin in 2013 with no takers or even one response.