Throughout history, the metrics that define success have evolved to reflect the values and priorities of each era. The human experience parallels this trajectory as it plays out on a smaller scale throughout our lifes...

Senate Passes Sweeping Republican Tax Overhaul Bill,https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/senate-pas...Now that the Senate has passed their version of the Tax Overhaul Bill, the next logical bill will be the reconci...

So, no thoughts on the recent Supreme Court ruling (passed mostly by the Conservative judges) that allows increased spending by corporations, unions and special interest groups for political campaigns.
What do you gu...

Background: Currently doing a Fannie REFI on two duplexes (originally purchased 2013 at 5%). Locked in at 4.25% for a no-cost refi. Idea is/was to lower my P&I and improve cash flow, etc... Closing date next wee...

I know you most likely weren't influenced by your teachers at school, so what compelled you to become an investor? Was is a book? Family member? Friend? Social Media Influencer?I'd love to hear your story
Here's what I plan to read this year. Half of them are my shelf or Kindle and the others on a wish list. Would love to hear what others are planning to read. My list is not in any particular order.
Business a...

Looking for a good book to read this month. Any good suggestions?

After a very long search, I am days away from signing a P&S on a condo investment. This is in Boston. It is a residential unit in a 12 unit complex. 9 are residential, 3 commercial. The cash flow and IRR are fanta...

Hey everyone, I am new to Bigger Pockets so forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong area. I am 23 years old, own an LLC with my father and brother, and live in California. We are about to close on our first inves...

...are like ice cream and cake?
My coworker and I frequently debate the question of:
Is government action necessary to monitor big business, so that the business does not get too powerful and monopolized?
His argum...