While driving for dollars, I came across an obviously abandoned home. I have been trying to find the owner but no luck getting in touch with the person.While doing research on it, I found that the taxes haven't been p...

If you are a broker, investor, developer, lender or even a MF/CRE service provider then feel free to dm me and request a live demo of reonomy with me! I'll walk you through the depth of commercial/mf property and owne...

I have been playing around with different filters the last few days. I run my search and then for the fun of it, I start checking these properties to see if they are currently listed in MLS. Every time I start check...

We're going to close a sale on a 10 unit building in Missouri in about two weeks. The buyer is asking for our tenants' SSNs, phone numbers, etc. My property manager says it's illegal to share, and refuses to comply. I...

Hi AllDoes anyone know a good or a series of combined sources in which it provides the historical record of an area, such as population, economy, occupation and etc? I personally searched many sites and most of them o...

I need to get an appraisal on a seller's home before I can make an offer. If I was to get seller's persmission to have an appraiser give the estimates for the house, will the seller want to sell at the estimate value ...

When people talk about finding REOs on the MLS, are they referring to Realtor.com?
I feel stupid for asking this

We are considering sending some mailers- Are there companies that can provide lists for people who are delinquent on the property taxes or mortgage payments? I know there are other filters available from various comp...

Has anyone heard of or tried this program? I've been looking for private lenders for future rehab deals; I received Dunlap's newsletter touting this program of his.
I'd love to hear feedback on if anyone's tried it,...

Does anyone have any other commercial mls sites or is loopnet the only one? the other commercial mls sites I have used are very very delapidated and not user friendly at all. What would you want to see in a commercial...