So, I've been approached through a friend for an investment in a large scale hemp farm (couple of hundred acres). First of all, it is Hemp, (not Cannabis), Hemp does not have the psycho-active ingredients that get yo...

What would you do with 1 million in cash ready to deploy? Be specific

Several threads could be created about industrial hemp and it's role in real estate, society, and the environment. I'll post this thread and see where the conversation goes.
Farm bill 2018: The farm bill legalized g...

I have seen what happens to rents and values when legal weed is added to the equation. Is Oregon the next Colorado? In my mind the state is more attractive than a lot of Colorado. What is your take?

To begin, I'd like to thank you for your time and interest in the topic of Marijuana and Vacation Rentals. Though a lengthy introduction, I felt it would be best to give everyone a solid base to ask questions and begi...

Economic Update
(Monday, June 14, 2021)
For a period of time between 2018 and the beginning of 2020, the “Real House Price Index” (which calculates inflation in the Housing Sector) was falling, because Americans’ bu...

My goal is to buy 1 rental property this year. Tell me about your first purchase!
Where was it?
How did it go?
Do you still have it?
1 thing youwish you knew?