Given Congress appears to be ready to propose new legislation soon for an emergency Covid Bill, wonder if the federally backed mortgage foreclosure moratorium feom the 2020 CARES Act will be extended? I can't find any...

Rent is due on the 1st. I offer a grace period of sorts through the 5th with no late fee. Once the 6th comes there is a $50 late fee and then $10 each additional day.I have had to collect this once ($60.00). Tenant ne...

I just put a house under option for 14 days. I have buyers in mind, but after speaking to the first one he gave an indication that my deal was more inside a rental market and people probably wouldnt want to sink that...

We have properties in C/C- neighborhoods, so, a lot of prospective tenants come with ‘baggage’ - evictions, criminal records, etc. As a result, once we receive applications with authorization to conduct background che...
My last post about military rentals focused on the 1% of Americans who always have a job, not matter what the market conditions were. This topic talks about BAH and how it factors into rental decisions made my militar...

When investing as an LP in a MF syndication does it matter which sponsor on the team you apply with? Does it all go in the same pot or do the sponsors receive different fees or credit among themselves for sourcing the...

Tenant was late this month and texted me that he could pay on the 7th, if i dont hear from him today should i text him a friendly reminder this afternoon that rent is past due? Also, how long do you landlords usually ...

I live in California. My last LL kept $950 of my deposit for “damage”. We never had any initial walkthrough or property inspection. I never got receipts for the work either. Can he hold any of my deposit if there was...

Hello, I will soon be rotating out of the navy, my interest is in purchasing and renting, what would pointers/tips someone can advice to someone starting out.
Thank you.

My husband and I are just starting out in real estate investing, we have done a ton of reading and listening to this podcast. We recently spoke with a CPA who said she has 24 years experience, but doesn’t specialize i...