Does a seller have to treat their home if there's evidence of treatment of wood destroying insects? No visible signs of termite of activity were found, and the seller has no documentation of treatment being performed....

Hi, does anyone have a recommendation for window treatment companies in the St. Louis area- for a rental property.Thank you

I saw a home for sale at a decent price, and the listing notes says it has bed bugs. Never dealt with them myself, but have heard they are tough to get rid of. It is listed at a decent price, but realtor says they a...

I just closed on a property, and am deciding whether or not to tent for termites.Original inspections had turned up minor evidence of past drywood termites in two spots, but no live termites were seen. We got a $3300 ...
Hi, I'm planning to purchase a duplex home and it is also my first home purchase. The reason I choose duplex is that I live in California and Single Family Homes are in high demand and often expensive. With a duplex, ...

Well it was only a matter of time before I had a bed bug issue.... I don't want to get into the details of it but suffice to say, I bought a property, and about a week in we discover roaches and bed bugs. I'm fine let...

We had a guest that report they were bitten by a bed bug, which they killed and didn't have its remains to confirm if it was or was not a bed bug. In response we did a deep clean on the unit and couldn't find any bed ...

Hi there, I'm a newbie flipper in Phoenix, AZ and am in the process of getting ready to complete my 2nd flip. We found termite tubes in the garage and I'm getting mixed advice from my Realtor and the termite company....

hi all,If one of the units In Our building said they have bed bugs is that our responsibility to take care of it or since they brought it in are they responsible for it? Thanks

Hello all, I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on this. I manage a 10 unit apartment complex, and we have a mostly mild (some units moderate) roach infestation that is affecting almost all the units. The exterminator...