Can anyone help me find a title company and or closing attorney in my area please

Hey everyone!
I am in Charlotte, NC and we are seeing an influx of people relocating to our wonderful city. If you know of anyone who is looking for an agent in the Charlotte area I would love to help them find a ...

I have a property in Cedar Hill, Tx that has a leaking skylight. The roof was replaced by the previous owner but, I don't believe the flashing for the skylight was replaced/sealed properly. Any recommendations for a g...

Who can recommend an investor friendly real estate attorney in the state of NH?
Does anyone have any good accountants that are familiar with real estate and L.L.C. formation or real estate agents that work with investors in the Phoenix area that you could refer. I'm also looking for a Title Of...

I need a good referral for a real estate lawyer in the Las Vegas area. Preferrably the Green Valley or Southern area. I would ask that any referrals be from sources you've actually used first hand and not just heard...

You can't ask for referral or references? Because i found this format in this platform. This is check lists for those looking for sources.I was sent a message indicating I can't ask for insight into referrals of profe...

My partner and I recently wholesaled a house to a buyer that another investor brought to us. We cut that investor in on our fee of course, but are we forever indebted to this investor if we ever use that buyer aga...