Goooood mornin’ BP!Question for you all! This is directly unrelated to real estate, but indirectly related to succeeding in it! Health is such an important aspect to maintain balance in your life in addition to relati...

What is your morning routine? 🤔
I absolutely swear by Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning” routine! Some days it is a little bit harder for me to implement everything depending on the situation, but I have a pretty good sys...

I'm currently saving up to buy two properties, one an FHA 203K, and an out of state rental once I've spent my first year in my new home. The goal is
I've read the Ultimate Beginner's Guide and am almost don...

Thoughts on this article I will be posting soon? Hope you all find this useful!The vast majority of successful people treat their morning as sacrosanct and attribute much of their success to the hours of work performe...

I have heard nearly all successful people such as Tony Robbins, Grant Cardon, Timothy Ferris etc. describe their morning routine. Most of them do something along the lines of "Mind, Body, and Spirit" so I wrote down a...

My morning looks like this: 6am wake up. 2 glasses of water. Make bed. Journal. Read. 10 min Meditate. Gratitude practice. Stretch. Tea. Small Breakfast. Vitamins. Read my intentions. 10 full deep breathes. - This tak...

Hey BP,
Just curious, those who are building their investment business, how is your day-to-day life spent? Do you wake up extra early and start calls/marketing? Or are you more of a night owl who does there research/...

Hello BP, Recently I've noticed my motivation to do things is declining, and after a serious self-evaluation, I've come to realize that a lot of my lack of motivation has to do with my fitness and eating habits. Does ...

Back on my powerful morning routine...Woke up to a quick wake up meditation,,My oldest got up with me and we did some stretching and a workout,Another meditation and affirmations that he picked out,Got the youngest up...

since your your own boss, what time do you usually wake up? I usually wake up around 9am. First thing I do is check stock market & Twitter for 25min lol