Hello all!
I'm considering a cash deal to buy a house and lease it. Budget $200K.
I've seen some turnkey options in the north and some existing options in the inner loop, but being my first time exploring this ma...

is it possible to make a copy of the garage door opener? one of two openers was lost some time ago

School me please...I made my cash offer of 175K. Sellers counter at $189K. I'm new to a strategy or "hostage negotiation".
The property is overpriced. The counter is not satisfying. How do I respond to my "buyer" rea...

Hello BP nation,Wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this. Lets say you are looking to invest in a vehicle (residential RE for cash flow), in a market and area you are pretty familiar with and have made deals. However...

Who do you think is (or was) the greatest real estate investor of all times?
When you run the numbers like this guy did, you can see why Zillow has gone down in flames. https://sellhousecashaz.com/zi... "“In Phoenix, 36.5% of properties currently for sale were listed below their purchase price...

So with interest rates sure to rise and inflation well on the way, what’s your strategy? Pay down loans? Save up for the next drop? Just curious.
Personally I’ve tried to lock in interest rates as much as possibly a...

After reading Mr. Money Mustache for several days know that and The Richest Man in Babylon have got me thinking. If I could cut out my car payment I could save/invest a decent amount of money.

If I want to hire my best friend, for example, who has done work for me and I know his work is good quality, what issues will this present in my BRRR? Will I have an issue getting hard money? etc TIA!