Hey BP fam!Where do you own vacation rentals? Where are you seeing growth/popularity/profits/success with Air BnB or VRBO? Interested to know where people are purchasing where they feel they’re receiving great ROI! I ...
2009 - 2012 were fantastic years to quickly accumulate wealth. Many of us took advantage and the ones that were able to buy and hold in mass have built substantial balance sheets. When I first started, my goal was to ...
Hi There
I'm from Los Angeles, CA and have 7 years of experience operating vacation rentals across the country via master leasing them. I have never operated one in the Palm Springs area but Im interested in buying a...
Hi all!
I have been fixing up and renting out (BRRR) small 1-4 units in the past few years, accumulating some capital, and gaining management experience, which I would like to use now to upscale my business to a lar...
Let me preface my story with my definition of freedom: doing what you enjoy for a living with the people you care about.
My name is Peter Neill. I am a capital raiser, real estate and note investor, community organiz...
I’m at $1890/month passive income currently from 4 rental properties and want to scale to $10,000/month in the next 3 years. What is the most efficient or fastest route to get me there?