Hello, Since marijuana is recreational in IL im a little perplexed on how i should go about it in my rental. Since its legalized i cant ban the use of it onmy property right? Also in the lease agreement i have a no sm...

Coming from NJ to Colorado and now owning some property in Colorado, I am wondering what the responsibility is for landlords especially around marijuana smoking and growing. I know here in Colorado it is legal to smok...

In the spirit of the Holiday today I've always been curious if there are any operators of short term or vacation rentals that are specifically or intentionally serving the 420 community? Obviously there are many stat...

Hello, people smarter than me!
I noticed last time I renewed my tenants' leases (MA) that there's a new clause in the BP-provided form about cannabis usage, with some really draconian-sounding restrictions on it (te...

My son has already decided that he wants no tobacco smoking in his rental[e-cigs are fine] Colorado has legal cannabis. Would it be alright to ask tenants to either smoke recreationally only in the back yard unless t...

Female tenant living alone. I gave her a notice because she had her boyfriend staying there when she was not home. I told her I could add him to the lease if he passed a background check. He did not pass. Now, do I tr...

I live in Colorado, where both medical & recreational marijuana is legal. Today, I just listed my best rental home on Zillow. It is in an exclusive neighborhood, and is a very nice large home. In fact, it will ...

A number of states deemed marijuana shops “essential” businesses and pot sales were up in recent weeks. Does that mean marijuana real estate is pandemic-proof?"(Sebastian Obando|Mar 31, 2020) www.nreionline.com

Anyone investing in Weed? Here is a SWOT analysis I did...This is not really a hard tangible asset, however, I am intrigued by the Emerging asset class. Now I am personally not a big proponent of smoking the thing bec...

Hi all, just have a question about the following clause in the Standard Lease Agreement I pulled off BP (one of Brandon Turner's documents included when you order his book). See below. "MARIJUANA AND OTHER DRUGS: Tena...