Hello,I am interested to hear from the landlords that have 40hr/week jobs. Specifically ones you can't break free from during the day. My goal is to replace my income with rental cash flow before I CONSIDER leaving my...

I'm quitting my real job after 40 years of the rat race and want to supplement my retirement income with real estate investments. I'm considering buying a mobile home park. Any ideas on that? Also I would appreciat...

What is a good amount to pre approve for a property manager for spending? What about emergencies?I'm new to investing in rentals.
Hello, I own a plumbing company with 40 + employees and mostly work under contractors that do remodel, new construction and commercial work. I want to know if this type of business qualifies as a “real estate professi...

I am looking into purchasing a 38 unit from a company. Price is approximately $35,000/door for a total purchase price of $1,330,000. All buildings are in excellent shape, but are in need of roof replacements. Property...

For the short-term rental self-managers, how much time do you spend managing your STR every week? How do you spend that time?

Hey self storage owners/experts!Need help analyzing a self storage dealPurchase Price: $200,000Units: 22Occupancy 100%Annual Gross Income: 21,000Annual Expenses: $5000Please share your thoughts about this deal.

A friend has 600k liquid to invest but still confused where to start. They already invested some in me fund but everything they have been reading has been about eventually raising capital but how do you start when you...

Hey guys! After listening to the podcast and reading as many books as I can get my hands on, I'm taking Brandon and Josh's advice (which is always awesome coming from them) to analyze deals in my area to get a sense o...

Newbie here. I have an opportunity to acquire a mountain home through a subto agreement. It would be a great AirBnb investment but my issue is that I'm having problems running the numbers. What tools or formulas are y...