So a good COC return is a lot easier to obtain when using leverage. When purchasing all cash on the same deal it's a lot more difficult to get a similar COC return, the numbers aren't even close. If purchasing all c...

Hello! New to the BP forum and joined out of curiosity for a hypothetical scenario.I know everyone's situation is different, and everyone has different needs and priorities within Real Estate.So I was curious on one o...

In my brief analysis of the Dayton area single family home market, I don't see any way (short of getting a super screaming deal) of getting much greater than 1% (rent/appraised value) other than in West Dayton area. ...

Hello,What are some short term investments everyone is using while they save funds for investing in real estate? To be more specific, We keep X amount in a checking account every month and any excess goes into a Tax D...

So I have a property that cash flows 175 a month after mortgage, property manager, repairs, and vacancy. Should I make extra payments on the mortgage, or invest it in the stock market. I use Robinhood so I get commiss...

I have a tenant that has a felon living with her that is not on the lease. My upstairs tenant is telling me that this guy is threatening her and her their child because she has complained about the noise. Everything t...

As I'm just starting out, I have been checking the boxes on diligence on structuring the first few deals. Does anyone have thoughts on the following:1) Insurance - What are your experiences with using an umbrella pol...

Let’s assume that the tenant has animals that ruin the laminate flooring. The flooring is unsalvageable.What if then I wanted to upgrade to vinyl plank flooring only because I have to replace the floor so I might as w...

Hey guys !
Quick question: can having a trashy(hoarder) or bad neighbor make your house appraised for a lower price ?
Agent just contacted me a house in that can sell for 1.1 million (according to comps) but selle...

Hi. I hope this message find you all well.I am starting in the real estate world and I have my LLC and two renting homes. I am planning to expand and in a near future add more houses to my portfolio. Then I've been th...