BP, more fantastic news below as it relates to real estate investing in Arizona! - Jared
Arizona’s booming tourism sector broke records again last year, with visitors spending $24.4 billion in 2018 and generating mor...

Huntsville Botanical Garden Named No. 4 Best Botanical Garden in North America
June 10, 2022/in Awards, Community Development, News, Recognition, Tourism/by staff reports
On June 3rd, the Huntsville Botanical Gard...

Hello,Last night I was coming home from the traverse area and heard on the radio a commercial advertising something about contacting your representatives about vacation rentals. It sounded like some rep is trying to p...

So, I came accross a short term rental market analysis report for the city of Fresno, and found a really interesting chart representing the seasonality of the short term rentals. Never heard about this company before,...

Following the lead of other regions, a number of short-term rental owners have banded together not to take legal action but to find ways to promote our STR industry. The Poconos Association of Vacation Rental Owners ...

What an amazing place! The $$$$$ OOZES from everywhere since they discovered Oil and actually drilled for it. (What a concept!)
On 1 year lease ENTIRE rent is due in ADVANCE! If lease is for 2 years or more, first ye...

⚖️ HOUSE BILL 5438 - HB 5447You may be aware a new slate of short-term rental bills was introduced this Legislative Session by Representative Andrews (D - St. Joseph). I had the privilege of attending the House subcom...

I recently built a large STR in the Dominican Republic. I have a few partners, but went over budget and personally funded the remaining construction costs. The STR has been successful, but I do not see me getting th...

Hi Folks
What i think buying a property is simple and straight forward as long as you do follow a checklist. It is really difficult to spend time in researching property overseas, but if someo...
Has anyone heard of this???????
I stumbled across a podcast talking about multifamily volatility. To be entirely honest, I’m a bit embarrassed to say that before watching I had no idea about the main topic (something...