What happens if you assign a contract but then can't find any interested investor's and can't close. Would you be in trouble with the law or just lose the contract. I am just curious because I am new to this and don't...

I have been running into trouble selling my properties because I owned them less than 90 days. I am currently buying property in Texas but the last two properties I sold I have ran into lenders not willing to loan th...

hello I have been looking for awhile now and seem to be able to find properties that are only a 6-8% cap rate. I am wondering if I am being to picky or if I just am not finding good enough deals. Most of these propert...

Hello All,Being here a while and learning alot from all of you. I'm currently on my first flip and it's a whopper of a job. Everything needs to be done from roof to plumbing the whole nine yard. Well that's not the h...

I've been driving for dollars and I have come across a total of 11 distressed homes, 3 have abandonment papers on the front door, and the rest are believed to be abandoned as well. I posted in the forum asking how to ...

As I am sitting here reading posts, something unsettling has occured to me.
I was Planning on creating an LLC, that I would use to manage my 2 rental properties, for the purpose of seperating business fro...

I bought a duplex about a year ago in the downtown area of Montgomery, Alabama for $25,000. The tenets were extremely rough, cannibalizing anything of value in the property. It was next door to a single family home I...

Hi, Located on south shore, Mass. Bought a flip, inspected it myself, i missed some termite damage in the corner of the garage. Main house is good. Anybody have cheap/reasonable termite peeps around here? Termite...
I have this tenant. She has been hit with a late charge twice in the past 6-7 months. Each time she ends up hitting my PM up with repairs to be made. So, rather than getting the full rent plus late charge, I get th...

So, I am a wholesaler and I get my lists from Listsource. Great lists, good company, nice prices. However, I must be doing something wrong. I am not getting good leads. No sellers, and the houses I am getting a...