Does anyone know of a good website for demographics and or traffic counts? Preferably free, but if you know of a good paid site please let me know.

I am looking at a property right now in D neighborhood and the cap rate is close to 12%. I have looked at the property and has good renovations, completely rented for long term tanents. I have currently few properties...

Hi BP,
I am a newbie investor in San Francisco area, working with my father on a new project. This morning we got a call from our contractor letting us know the home was broken into and all of the tools were stolen.

How can it be that a man with a GUN walked into the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C. and started shooting, when Washington D.C. has a gun ban? Did someone forget to tell this guy that guns were banned in the city?...

I've got a flock of geese living on the lawn of my lake front str. I can't shoot them because it is too close to other houses (and out of season). How do I keep these things from pooping everywhere? I tried an organic...

Its illegal to market a property you don't own. That's acting as a broker/agent Market the contract. It's scary when you're starting out in this business, one minute you're on cloud 9, you finally found something that...

Vikram C. posted in another thread about how many politicians -- due to their stature and position -- believe they are above the law.
This comment reminded me of a great (though disturbing) set of...
this has been a long process. i filed papers may 10. it took a few days to get a court date, which of course i did win the hearing bc she didnt' bother to show up, and had no case anyways. then it took a week or 2 ...

Concealed carry and gun laws are becoming growing topics. With that being said, should a landlord of a multifamily unit (5 plus units) make his/her building a Gun Free Zone (if the state law permits)? Should the lan...

Dear all,
recently in my area, a lot of properties got break in and stole all staging furniture and appliances.
do you know what is the affective way to prevent criminal break in the staged properties while them on ...