I worked with people here in Los Angeles that buy and refurbish properties for Tennent In Common or TIC sales and exit strategy. They had a tough time with people having opinions on gentrification and TIC. However, TI...

BP Community - These forums have been vital in getting up and running in the RE world, to which I am so grateful! (Long-time creeper of the forums.)I am looking to ramp up my wholesaling side-hustle, and have centered...

Looking for like minded people to mode, guide, and learn from investing in these areas multi- family and flipping property.Also in Chicago areas, Illinois suburbs, Indiana, Gary, and South Chicago as well. looking to ...

Recently there has been a lot of talk about how friggin' annoying the spam from the Columbus Cartel is. You know, that group of like 20 college kids who scream about Columbus, Ohio being the single greatest place on e...

Today (4-1-16) is my first day on BP and I'm fairly new to Real Estate Investing on a technical level. I've owned an Investment company but with poor knowledge of how it actually works. My focus is on the team. I plan...

I was wondering if anyone had experience setting up successful facebook marketing campaigns targeting distressed homeowners?

Hello Everyone! Like many others, I have finally taken the step from observer to user! Watching this community from the outside has gotten me excited to join in and I wanted to introduce myself. I'm just starting out,...

Hi everyone,
My name is Jason. I moved to Clarksville about 6 months ago and am looking to get started in real estate investing. I am currently active duty with the army with about a year left on my contract....

Hey Everyone! I'm brand new here on the forums. I've been listening to BiggerPocket podcasts as I drive a lot for work. I'm only about 100 podcasts in though. Only 500+ more to go. But lots of great info and I'm soaki...

Hello everybody! I'm a software engineer in Indiana looking to learn how to use real estate to grow wealth. I'm new to investing in real estate but I plan on jumping in strong in 2016!I can't wait to get to know the...