Thoughts and advice on using an auto title loan company as a source for quick cash to use as a downpayment or rehabbing a property. I own both of my cars outright. They are worth about 30k+ total. Just starting out an...

I saw vehicle advertisers recommended by a few gurus: you pay someone a small monthly and big commission to put signs on every side of their vehicle except the front. Anybody try this technique? How well has it worked...

I have rented my property to a family. They have a pick up truck that is used at work. In the beginning, there were letters on the truck and a ladder on the top of the vehicle. The HOA got complains that commercial ve...

I'm going to be managing my first property as soon as I can get an offer accepted. My plan is to buy a quad, owner occupy, and I'm going to skip the LLC because I don't see it really providing much in the way of bene...
If I am operating a service company which owns a truck that is being depreciated, can that same company also pay me a vehicle expense based on the miles I have driven in my personal vehicle?Thanks.

Earlier his year I never though I would be entering the world of investment properties. In April I bought a new GMC Sierra and then a month later I inherited an older sable with low miles on it. I have begun drive the...

What is your first thought about the vehicle your contractor drives?
If he drives a nice truck are you weary about the price ?
If he drives a POS are you weary about materials disappearing on the job?
Curious on ...

Not sure where I could post this, but we are looking for someone, or some entity, or a point to the right direction where we could buy the vehicle UNDER COMPANY CREDIT, one of the owner of the business has bad credit,...

For a multifamily building with limited parking spaces, how do you allocate parking spaces?I have a fourplex with six spaces, all 1/1s, so I limit 1 space per unit with two guests. Thinking if necessary I can allocat...
For those BP members who own their own businesses I was wondering how you pay for your vehicle usage when doing business. If you fall into one of the following categories feel free to just state which one but for tho...