Hello, I have a tenant who is allergic to pet hair moving in at the beginning of next month. My previous tenants owned a gerbil. I will have the place professionally cleaned but do I need to have the HVAC duct system ...

So I am at Jeff's Barbershop in Mt. Pleasant (Near Charleston, SC) getting my hair cut today. Jeff always cuts my hair, but there are 5-6 other barbers in the shop. One of the barbers, Justin, who I have never met b...
Seller is a retiring, out of state absentee owner who called looking for options to sell a 1572 sq/ft 3/2/2 with damage from previous tenants (needs appx $7-8 worth of repairs)Comps are at $120kSeller owes 117,235PITI...

I am wondering if there is a best way to go about getting a HELOC. My credit is great and I have over $100k in equity. Should I look at small, local lenders or is it generally better to go with nationals like...

Yo Bigger Pockets Team, our business is growing like a stinking wild fire and our books are quickly becoming more and more of a problem. In the past one of our assistants and I have tag teamed our books. However, we...

Hey BP family! Since I have never done any real estate photography or video work I'd like to offer my services FREE for a few serious inquiries around the greater Atlanta area. (I don't mind driving 50-60 miles if nee...

Hello, I have an opportunity to acquire a house via Adverse Possession. In CaliforniaI understand the qualifiers to do this.My question , would the current tenant be considered a viable person in a HOSTILE manner? Or ...

OK, we had our kitchen redone in our primary residence this spring.
a few weeks ago when we got the first 'polar vortex' our dishwasher failed to drain overnight. Since it was still under the 1 year warranty...

Hey y'all, I have taken quite a break from these forums but have decided to step back into these by reintroducing myself. I got into the industry in 2014 with a property management job on Lake Ponchatrain in Slidell, ...

"You dont get a second chance at a first impression" -Anonymous (Presumably, Oscar Wilde...)Being in the military has limited the necessity for research in civilian attire, but now that I am to commit to REI, it has b...