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Posted over 9 years ago

Our Crowdfunding Network Is Growing Part 49

The escrow services and machinery for our site are hooked up officially as of last night.  We have had a pretty hard time getting this in place because of contract changes, but it is being tested this weekend and there is no reason to think it will not work.  

We have a pretty extensive backlog of items to implement for the site.  Monday we will have a new tab implemented for reporting which will all us to put our weekly reports on the site.  This is great transparency for investors so it is high on our list.  We also need to add the balance of our PR articles.  

The attorneys have been going round and round with our legal documents trying to get the language right.  I hoped to have a final draft of this on Friday, but nothing has shown up yet.  I expect for this to be done on Monday so we can do our first raise then.

Our first deal is waiting on a survey and some renderings.  We may just end up using a sample rendering instead and put some disclaimers in it.  We have found that people like to see a picture of what they're investing in.  All of the other material is ready save a few tweaks in the pro forma.  I want to wait until things stabilize before we revise the pro forma to V3.

We get steady flows of investors to the site now.  I have stopped tracking everyone manually because we should be able to do this in reporting from our CRM once we implement some of the business rules that track transitions between marketing states.  With the holidays my team lost some steam so I am hoping to get this up and running soon.  

Infotainment is a big item on our priority list as well.  We plan to record our future WIN meetings and tie that to our site.  I also have several virtual meetings planned through Google Hangouts and other forums.  Hopefully we can pull this all together on the site soon.  
