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Posted over 9 years ago

The BIGGEST Commonly Made Mistakes - # 1 "Not Enough Money"

The Biggest Mistake # 1 is using the excuse of

“I don’t have enough money” to stop you from

venturing into profitable real estate investments.

This is the SINGLE BIGGEST and yet the most

common mistake.

If real estate is the investment vehicle of your

choice to generate secure, predictable, repeatable,

and profitable return, you must get over this

“not enough money” syndrome.

In reality, if you have the “deal of the century”,

you would not have any problem getting the

money. Capital chases high quality deals. 

High quality means high profit in the safest and 

fastest way.

There are plenty of people syndicating investments,

joint-venturing, and investing through private

equity companies, funds, and REITs - all of

these capital are placed with teams that have

been successful in attracting capital into their investments.

Most of these capitals are raised externally:

a.k.a. ‘other people’s money’.

How to do that?

(1) Quality Team; and 

(2) Quality Deal.

You can do the same.

Anyone, including you, can acquire the knowledge

to make safe, secure and high return by

placing the money in wise real estate investment

choices. I did it, and you can too!

I am the perfect example. It took me about a full

year studying in US commercial real estate. The

second year, I purchased the first 120 units multifamily,

all done via quality team, other people’s

money on a high-quality and safe investment.

How to Fix Mistake #1: Education.

Equip yourself with the know-hows, and avoid

the mistakes commonly made by others.

There are plenty of real estate education

sources: local associations, schools, designations

and seminars. 

I recommend all of them as

long as you learn something new. 

To Your Success!

Stay Tune for Mistake #2, publishing 1st of each month.
