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Posted almost 9 years ago

Are You Winning or Whining?

I've been pondering what makes a successful real estate investor vs. someone who never quite gets there. Attitude is a big part of success.

Winners don't whine. They figure out ways to succeed instead of making excuses as to why they won't succeed.

Whiners don't win. They are too preoccupied with complaining and justifying their lack of success.

We all whine from time to time. I could tell you my sob stories about evictions, renovation expenses and sewage leaks. But does it really make me successful to dwell on my problems? No!

The sooner we can get off the pity pot, the sooner we can turn things around. So if you find yourself whining today just say, "Stop it!" Shift a whiney mindset and you will find greater success in real estate and life.
