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Posted over 14 years ago

How to Really Screw up Your Business With Social Networking

As spamming continues to grow on Twitter and other social networks (I’ve been noticing it a lot this past few weeks more than ever), I’m compelled to mention again how easy it is to do more damage to your brand than good when using social networking tools.

Twitter and Facebook are great networking tools, but they’re being treated more and more like get rich quick platforms…as if such a thing really existed. I’m seeing a lot of ads for programs on “How to Use Twitter to Make $10k a month Starting NOW”…and other B.S. like this.

Does anyone actually subscribe to this mentality? I’m taking care not to mention any users or companies specifically. You’re not going to catch me bad mouthing anyone, but you and I both have seen this activity. Here’s the thing:

I think most of these users are more concerned with making money than anything else. They’re not worried about damaging their brand, because they’re not even trying to build a brand. They’re not even TRYING to build a business. They just want to make a few bucks.

I think this kind of shortsightedness is a shame. But the more I see this kind of activity, the more I think this is true. I hope the readers of this blog can see further down the road. Building a real business is NOT that big a deal! Anyone can do it. I hope you can see the truth…spamming out affiliate links and offering no value to your contacts is not a way to build a business. And ironically, it’s also not a good way to even make a few bucks!

When was the last time YOU clicked on a blind link in a piece of spam email you received? When was the last time YOU bought a product through an affiliate link that someone blasted out through an auto-DM on Twitter?

Sensible people don’t buy things this way. It’s just not how it works. If you’re building a real business that you want to be profitable and sustainable, this is the absolute last type of activity you should be involved with.

If people would stop looking for fast money and start actually getting to work, there would be a lot less crap out there. That’s for sure. And they would also learn that making REAL money is not all that difficult.

Have you seen this spamming activity or is it just me?

Do you subscribe to the idea that simply blasting out affiliate links is a way to make money?

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  • 20 Ways to Instill Trust and Make More Money

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Comments (7)

  1. Everything done in moderation is cool. A simple credo to live by.

  2. James, question everything! There are many ways to make a great living legit...and the ironic thing is that many people work very hard trying to short cut the system, and they just end up short changing themselves and everyone they deal with. Much success to you sir!

  3. Christian, Thanks for the great info. Often I have wondered the same thing. Thanks for making me feel like I am not alone in questioning these practices. Thanks, James

  4. Thanks Nick. I appreciate your feedback. Affiliate marketing is like anything else. You get out what you put in. It sounds like you have an investing business as I do...bravo. I make money online then invest in property offline. It's a good way to go :)

  5. Christian, I'm with you. I'm down with affiliate marketing but not really to get rich from it. I use the techniques to market my offline investing business. I've learned a lot lately about affiliate marketing and internet marketing and have tested some of the principles of it. I've made a few bucks, I think I'm up to $5 on AdSense now and maybe $100 total between some of the products. on my site I give reviews of certain products/services and talk about how homeowners and specifically stay at home wives could make a few bucks at internet/affiliate marketing. I show them how to spot an obvious crap product like we see being spammed on twitter etc...I think it's a great opportunity for mom-preneurs I also agree with Josh and why he doesn't allow affiliate links here on BP, it keeps it clean and relevant to investing without having to be subjected to so much spam. great post, @motiv8td

  6. Cool man. It's amazing how hands on you are with your site :) I want to be up front...I'm down with affiliate marketing. I think it's a great way to make money, but I understand not allowing them on BP, and that's cool. There's use...and there's abuse. Selling the products and services of others (ie affiliate marketing) makes the world go round. But abuse and blinding posting crap online just in the hopes that some sucker will give you some money is a waste of everyone's time ;) Unfortunately we need to live in a world where most people just want a short cut, and we need to pay for the slack of others. BTW, thanks for working hard to provide such a rockin platform Joshua.

  7. You're definitely NOT alone. I've been talking about this for a while. That's actually one reason we don't allow affiliate links on BiggerPockets. What people don't realize is that your online reputation sticks with you . . . spam, affiliate spam, and other annoying online activity can taint you and your business.