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  • Dallas, TX
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A Little Respect.

Account Closed
  • Lender
  • Dallas, TX
Posted Aug 5 2016, 07:46

How do you feel when you are all set up for an appointment and then you are told at the last minute that the other person is not going to make it? Annoyed? Probably not as annoyed as when it’s a no-show. But if you have a reasonably busy schedule yourself and especially if you have rearranged your other commitments so as to be available, presumably you will be annoyed at being stood up. Or at least irritated.

Having had a no-show yesterday and a last minute cancellation today, I was definitely feeling irritated, even annoyed.

So what would be some etiquette guidance on cancelling an appointment?

Here are a few suggested rules for the etiquette of cancelling appointments.

1. Be an adult and make personal contact, email, text, phone, western union, something, just do not leave that person hanging.

2. If I can call, I’ll do it. Bad new should always be personally delivered.

3. I will not tell the other person how busy I am. We are all busy.

4. I’m ready to fall on my sword. - apologize.

5. For a re-schedule, I’ll find out what suits the other person before I tell them when I am available.

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