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18 Simple Marketing Strategies to Get Your Real Estate Brand Noticed

18 Simple Marketing Strategies to Get Your Real Estate Brand Noticed

Need to get more deals done? Are you using enough real estate marketing strategies?

There are dozens of methods of finding buyers, sellers, and capital for investing in real estate. If your deal flow isn’t where you want it to be, then try putting more of these marketing ideas into play.

18 Simple Marketing Strategies to Get Your Real Estate Brand Noticed

1. Article Marketing

Craft and publish your own articles. You can do this both off and online. Try online magazines and article directories, as well as local newspapers. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there. Be afraid of being invisible.

2. Squeeze Pages

A squeeze page or landing page is great for funneling all of your potential leads to in order to turn them into live prospects and list members for ongoing marketing. If you’re not tech savvy, there are platforms such as InvestorCarrot or LeadPropeller that will take care of this for you. I currently use LeadPropeller.

Related: How to Impress Money Partners With a Killer Marketing Presentation

3. Facebook Ads

Pay-per-click advertising is a great way to generate leads on demand. You only pay for what you get, and you can scale lead flow up and down as you desire. Adwords is great, but it’s expensive to get those highly searched keywords. I’ve had success with Facebook Ads as of late. It is still underpriced, and the targeting is the best out there.


4. Instagram

With more users than Snapchat and displacing Pinterest, Instagram is a must-have for every real estate marketer’s social mix.

5. #Hashtags

Use popular, real estate-themed, and your own custom hashtags across all of your social media marketing and content marketing to gain more visibility and build your brand.

6. Influencer Marketing

Gain visibility and credibility by tapping into influencers. Can you interview them or get featured on one of their podcasts? Bring them value, and you’ll earn the ability to tap into their audience. Create a win-win for both parties.

7. Giveaways

Giveaways and competitions are a great way to get noticed, to get shared, and to generate leads.

8. Email Marketing

Emails are a great way to consistently follow up, build the relationship, and increase conversions.

9. Referral Partners

Don’t just rely on your contacts. You can help others serve their clients better if they refer people to you. Help them do that.

10. Online Reviews

Online reviews are no longer just for when people are researching you and debating doing business with you. They are now a frontline tool for generating leads.

11. Personal Blog

Real estate blogging remains the heart of marketing today. Your blog feeds your social and emails—and vice versa—while boosting your rankings in the search engines.

Related: 8 Evergreen Materials to Market Your Vacation Rental & Keep Guests Informed

12. Google Tools

Google offers a variety of tools for growing your real estate business, from Google+ to business listings to becoming a Google local guide.

13. YouTube

Video is fast becoming a very powerful and important real estate marketing tool. YouTube is by far the biggest platform for getting your videos out and sharing them across your online assets.


14. Real Estate Websites

Having a website is still a must for real estate investors and businesses. It doesn’t have to be massive or complicated, but it does need to look good.

15. LinkedIn

Since the Microsoft acquisition, LinkedIn is again becoming an effective and important way to connect with prospects, potential hires, and future partners.

16. Door Knocking

It may be old school, but it is still one of the fastest, easiest, and least expensive ways to get yourself out there and drum up new business.

17. BiggerPockets

As probably the largest dedicated online real estate forum, BiggerPockets is a great place to network, find others to help, and to find help in doing your own deals.

18. Press Releases

If you’ve ever been frustrated by seeing competitors in the news, know that you can be too. You can create and publish your own press releases and choose how others see you.

How do YOU get your brand out?

Let me know what you’d add to this list with a comment!

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.