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Property Manager


Find Trusted Property Managers Who Fit the Bill

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Meet Top-Rated Property Management Companies, Effortlessly
Property Management Finder makes finding the right property manager simple and easy: Tell us exactly what you need. We’ll find your matches and vet them with ratings and reviews from other investors.

What you’ll get:
  • Streamlined networking—direct connection to experts who fit your criteria
  • Results you can trust—ratings and reviews from the BiggerPockets community
  • Easy decisions—all the info you need to pick a pro in one place
Join smart and savvy real estate investors already using Property Management Finder today!
Here’s Why You May Need a Stellar Property Manager
In the dynamic world of real estate investment, success hinges on effective property management. A skilled property manager acts as your strategic partner, streamlining operations, maximizing returns, and safeguarding your valuable assets.

With their expertise, you can focus on expanding your portfolio while leaving the day-to-day complexities of property ownership in capable hands. Here are a few top reasons you may want to consider hiring a property manager:
  1. Time efficiency. Remember, time is your most important asset.
  2. Tenant quality assurance. Better tenants equals better cash flow.
  3. Expert financial management. Navigate the financial landscape with confidence.
  4. Risk mitigation. Navigate complex landlord-tenant laws with peace of mind.
  5. Market insights. Stay ahead of market trends and local deal insights.
  6. Maintenance excellence. Preserve your investment through proactive maintenance.
  7. Peace of mind. Sleep at night knowing your investments are in capable hands.
  8. Adaptability to market changes. Ensure that your investments are aligned with market conditions.
  9. Legal compliance and documentation. Navigate the complex legal landscape with precision.
  10. Network of reliable service providers. Maintain your investment through a team of professionals.

FAQs about Property Management Companies

If you can fit the fees of a property management company into your operating budget, then it is a great investment. Property managers are great if you have more than one property, live further (or even out of state) from your rental properties, or are looking for someone to take care of the regular operating tasks of managing a property, such as marketing your vacancies, screening tenants, maintaining the properties, and calling in for any emergency repairs from reputable contractors.

Property managers handle leasing, rent collection, maintenance, inspections, tenant communication, and other day-to-day responsibilities involved in renting and maintaining a real estate investment property, to ensure it’s profitable and taken care of for the long term.

Property management fees are 8-12% of the monthly rent, on average, depending on the property size, type, and location. However, fixed or flat rate fees may apply starting at $100-$150 per month for a single-family home. And, commercial properties have lower rates (usually 4-7%) for commercial properties with more than ten rental units.

Yes, an expert property manager is worth it. Whether you’re newer to being a landlord or looking for the best way to leverage your time (if you have more than one property), having a professional property manager take care of all the remedial tasks for you allows you to free up more time, and reduce stress, so you can focus on higher leverage tasks or to spend more time doing what you love.

Yes, licensed property managers also provide added protection by reducing your legal liability. Being familiar and well-versed in the often complicated rules of rental properties, property managers also help with the understanding of discrimination, disabilities, and other tenant laws that affect leasing practices including late rent, and evictions.

No, depending on the state the property manager is operating in, a license to operate may not be required. The only states that don’t require a license to operate are Vermont, Idaho, and Maryland. Licenses and certifications may be available to be viewed in your Property Management Finder results.

No, repair costs are not included in property management fees. However, expert property management companies have an established network of reputable contractors, and vendors to handle almost all repairs. Some larger property management companies even employ their own in-house maintenance staff. Which can, and will, result in lower repair costs to you.

Knowing the right questions to ask a property manager isn’t always easy. But, here are some recommendations when interviewing a property manager to get you started:

  • How many years have you been a property manager?
  • Are you licensed or certified?
  • What are the monthly fees and what services do they include?
  • Are there any extra services that aren’t included in the fee and how much do they cost?
  • How often will you be visiting, and/or inspecting the property(ies)?
  • Do you also visit and inspect the property if it’s vacant? Will there be additional costs associated with that?
  • Do you handle all maintenance and repairs?
  • If not, do you have a network of trusted contractors, and repairmen in case there’s an emergency?
  • What is your process for screening new tenants?
  • How do you handle late rent payments or tenant disputes?
  • Have you ever had to evict a tenant?
  • Can you provide references from current clients?

Yes, BiggerPockets Property Management Finder provides a shortlist of the best matches for your needs, allowing you to choose those that align most closely with your vision and goals.

Yes, our network spans nationwide, allowing us to match you with exceptional property managers across the country.


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management team,
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  • Local & national experts
  • Rookie-friendly
  • Expertise for any strategy

Property Management Professionals

Stand out to 2M+ investors on Property Manager Finder

Property Management Professionals

Stand out to 2M+ investors on Property Manager Finder