Find Professional Real Estate Services
Members can use the BiggerPockets’ company directory to find any professional services needed for real
estate investing. Using the directory members are able to narrow down the type of service they are
looking for as well as the location.
Members are encouraged to look at the metrics on the right side of the listing to look at how engaged
these companies are on BiggerPockets. These metrics show referrals, how often these companies post on
the forums and the upvotes those posts receive. Reviewing this information along with the specialization
will help to determine if this is the right professional service for you.
Professional Services Are Available
This directory serves as a miscellaneous directory for any professional service that might be needed by real estate investors. Users can find the following types of services within this directory:
- Management Companies
- Real Estate Software
- Accounting Services
- Financial Advisors
- Legal Services

Having Trouble? Contact Customer Support
If you are experiencing issues with the company directory please don’t hesitate to reach out to BiggerPockets’ customer support.
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