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Posted over 7 years ago

How to Keep Motivation High When Starting out in Investing

Real estate investing is hard! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is a consistent roller coaster of “yay this is amazing” to “OMG why did I start this business”. I have felt every emotion known to man when it comes to investing. I found out in the early days of my business that my motivation wasn’t as high I was hoping it would be. Some days I would be so busy that I couldn’t think straight and others I would be twirling my thumbs looking for stuff to do. But through the hard years, I’ve found some techniques that has helped keep motivation high and my business successful.

Wake up early

Early bird gets the worm right? I don’t even like worms and I am not a morning person but you will be surprised how getting up an hour early can change your whole mood. It gives me time to have my coffee in peace and to do some light meditation. I even watch one motivation video each morning to get my creative juices flowing. I can do all of this before my 5 year old is up and running around. Your mood will be so much better when you take time to enjoy the morning and not rush around.

Meet up with like minded investors

Even now, years into investing, I still like to meet up with like minded investors. I love to bounce ideas of them and also hear their thoughts. It’s a good way to create relationships that will one day help you in your investing career. Even if you are just starting out and don’t have those connections yet, there are lots of way to get them. Meet up is a really awesome site that allows you to join groups that have the same interest as you. They usually get together once or twice a month and this is a great way to build a strong sphere of influence. Also go join your local REIA. This place is crawling with investors from highly experienced to just starting out. There is a wealth of knowledge to be shared there.

Read, read, and read again

This one is super simple but my favorite. Reading is a perfect way to grow your knowledge but also depending on the material, can help shape your mind set. Every day I set aside at least an hour to read a book. Not only do I read things related to real estate but also motivational materials. My favorite right now is “Code of the extraordinary mind”. This one will really help you get your goals in line and help you achieve them. There is a ton of online books, blogs, and podcast that you do every day to help you keep motivation high and stay on your goals.

Keep a very supportive group around you at all times

There will always be people in your life who will question why you are doing investing. They will think you’re crazy for going outside the normal 9-5 and steady paycheck. Remember the saying though “if it was easy, everyone would do it”. This business is not easy. It will always have its ups and downs. It is very important that you have at least one person around you who supports what you’re doing. Sometimes even your own family won’t understand why you’re doing this but don’t get weary, it can be done. If your family or friends are not supportive, reach out to fellow investors for support. I highly recommend finding some kind of mentor that has already done what you’re trying to do.

So just know that there will be highs and lows, good and bad days, and some days that you just want to quit. But stay motivated and keep your mind on why you started in the first place. Once you get the first couple of deals done, your motivation will be at an all time high to do more and accomplish your goals!

As always, happy hunting!

Comments (3)

  1. Great tips.  Thanks.

  2. Excellent post. Getting an additional hour in the morning is life changing. Add 'the miracle morning' to your list. 

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Great post Cindy!

    I have been waking up early too and it is great. I have 3 little kids and so peaceful in the morning without them running around. I starting doing this after listen to the podcast about the Miracle Morning. Its been great so far. Hopefully I can keep the motivation going.