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BRRRR Calculator

  1. Property Info
  2. Purchase Info
  3. Rental Info
  4. Results

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Estimate repair costs easily with our Advanced Rehab Estimator

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Exterior Repairs

Interior Repairs

General Components

Purchase Loan Details

Select the loan amount as a percentage of purchase price or provide the actual value.

For private money financing, consider our Pro Featured Lenders

Refinance Loan Details


Total Monthly Income:

Enter the total value or provide a unit breakdown.

Use our Rent Estimator to determine market rental prices.

Enter the total value or provide an individual breakdown.

Fixed Landlord-Paid Expenses

Total Monthly Mortgage (P&I) Expense:

Total Monthly Fixed Expense:

Enter the total value or provide a cost breakdown

Variable Landlord-Paid Expenses

Manage an unlimited number of rental properties in a single app with RentRedi.

Future Assumptions

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The calculators found on BiggerPockets are designed to be used for informational and educational purposes only, and when used alone, do not constitute investment advice. BiggerPockets recommends that you seek the advice of a real estate professional before making any type of investment. The results presented may not reflect the actual return of your own investments. BiggerPockets is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by these tools. Furthermore, BiggerPockets is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions. BiggerPockets obtains property details from various third-party sources, and BiggerPockets is not responsible or liable for the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the property details. You are responsible for confirming the property details are accurate, complete, and suitable for your use case.