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Reafco - Columbus, OH


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About us

I am a long-term buy-and-hold investor. I am currently still working on finding a 4-unit off-market to BRRRR. I work with Reafco, a brokerage that specializes in multi-family 2-3 and 4+ units. I am looking to connect with others experienced in real estate and ultimately expand my network. My goals consist of building wealth through ownership and becoming financially free by helping others do the same in real estate. If you're interested in investing in Columbus, OH in multi-family properties please reach out. Email: [email protected]. License #: 2020004900 at REAFCO | Tailwind Team.

I am a local Realtor and investor here in Columbus, OH. As an investor-friendly agent, I mainly focus on sourcing Off-Market deals for my clients. If you are a wholesaler, prospective client, or interested in learning more about the Columbus, OH area, please connect with me.

I graduated from The Ohio State University in May of 2021 with a major in Landscape Architecture. While I was in school, I earned my real estate sales license and became a Realtor.

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Scott Allen