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Posted about 1 month ago

The Value of Rooming Houses: An Affordable Housing Option

Antonia Noori Farzan recently wrote a wonderful article in the Providence Journal about rooming houses. Though my real estate business focuses on multifamily housing, this topic resonates deeply with me.

I remember talking to my father about why he lived at home after graduating from college in the 1950s. He explained that back then, the options were simple: you either lived at home, got married, or lived in a house owned by someone else. Single men didn’t rent apartments for themselves. Why would they? All they needed was a room and access to a bathroom. You could rent a room in a big house owned by a little old lady or in a rooming house.

When my son was looking for an off-campus apartment, we were fortunate to find him a room in a rooming house in Hyde Park. It was a great transition from the dorm, offering him his own space at a fixed cost.

People often look down on rooming houses, seeing them as a last resort for those without other options. However, it’s time we start recognizing them for what they truly are: an affordable housing option for those who want to live independently on a budget.

Rooming houses provide a vital solution in today's housing market, offering flexibility and affordability. It's essential to consider and appreciate the diversity of housing options available, each serving different needs and lifestyles.

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