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Posted about 6 years ago

Turn your excuses into your 'Why'!

Even once deciding to go ahead and get my feet wet in real estate, I realized my Brain still had some excuses going why I couldn't succeed at it. Here are some of these excuses:

1) I don't have enough energy (as I struggle with a chronic medical condition...)

2) I don't have enough time (because I am a young mother of two children...)

3) I don't have enough money (because though our savings are growing steadily, it is not enough to do a deal on my own...)

4) I don't know enough (at least it seems little relative to the information out there...)

So now, Brain, listen well: These 'excuses' listed here are precisely the reasons you NEED to get good at this, and quickly too!

Here's how to turn them into my WHY: I want the freedom I can achieve in Real Estate so that I can:

1) have more time in the day to nurture myself physically as I try regain optimal health

2) have more time to devote to my children as they are growing up

3) have the money I need and want to sustain a lifestyle I can enjoy

4) Learn as I progress in this field and meet the people who can teach me more than I ever thought possible

OK, I'm all ready to go now!

Think of the excuses you've been using to explain the lack of success in any are of your life. Realize, that these might be the very reasons you can't afford not to succeed.

If you have excuses that turned into your 'why', share them here!

Thanks for reading... :)

Comments (14)

  1. @Fradel Schaechter Love this post! To add another layer to this great mindset I would also say to people- turn your excuses into your HOW and your why.

    HOW can I do this without much extra energy, time, or money. I find myself running into this limiting beliefs all of the time, and when I actually ask myself how (a big one for me was how can I make a purchase offer without even seeing a property) I've ALWAYS found the solution to be much easier to find than I had first imagined. 

    1. Good point, Account Closed: our excuses can also give us a clue about how we can go about achieving our goals :)

  2. Clever! :)

  3. This is an awesome post about turning negative thoughts into powerful and uplifting ones. We all make excuses, but turning the excuses into motivational momentum is truly inspiring. 

    1. Thanks for the wonderful feedback. It makes me feel nice to know my writing was inspiring to others :)

  4. great post inspirational

  5. Awesome Post! like the old saying goes, "losers find excuses and winners find opportunities". Just like you say in your post when you are presented with a challenge it can be an excuse to give up or a reason to succeed!

  6. Yes, yes, yes! I really like your reframes,

    1. Glad you liked it!

  7. Thanks so much for your post.  It's good to know that you're not the only one who has these issues.  It makes good sense to turn you issues into you reason for moving forward..

    1. It is a comfort to know any of us struggling with pretty much anything are not alone. Just look at how many members there are on this website working hard to succeed in real estate! 

      When I use these reasons to motivate me, my success becomes more meaningful to me and I am able to go to greater lengths to achieve it.

      Thanks for your comment!

  8. I wrote something very similar about chronic depression and how you can get stuck in "logic". Making why you are waiting for your next deal reasonable.  For me it isn't logic it is my brain telling me it is okay to disengage from everything I need to do.

    Thanks for posting on my newbie comment earlier in the week. It has helped me a lot to stay positive.

    1. Where is your article? I checked out your profile but couldn't find a blog. Why not start one? :)

      Glad my post helped you out: I am always looking for opportunities to encourage others and feel a sense of satisfaction when I can do that!

  9. This is short but really relatable. I've been a victim of my very own excuses most of the time and this articles made me realize that its time to put an end to it and start basing my moves to the WHYS. Great read!