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Posted over 3 years ago

What Are Your Attitudes and Beliefs

Normal 1603480384 What Are Your Attitudes And Beliefs

Click here to watch the What Are Your Attitudes and Beliefs video

When working in real estate investing, you will have a lot of attitudes and beliefs that you're going to have to overcome to execute your various tasks properly.

In real estate investing, there's a lot of people out there that have these negative beliefs about what real estate investing is and what real estate investing can do for you.

Maybe some of those attitudes and beliefs have been handed down to you either through friends or family or different people or even through the media that you've taken in and made it your own limitations or your own beliefs.

One of the things you can do for example is, let's say one of your limiting beliefs in real estate is that people fail in real estate all the time. Well, guess what? People are successful in real estate all the time.

"You have to come up with an empowering belief to offset your limiting belief."

Maybe another one of your limiting beliefs is that you're no good in sales. So, as I said in another video, you need to become better in sales by practicing. So, one of your empowering beliefs could be, I'm very good at sales, I'm a huge seller. I can close on anything.

Maybe another one of your limiting beliefs might be, I hate getting up in the morning. So what you do is you start getting up in the morning and you say, great, I'm an early riser. I know I get more things done before nine o'clock than most people before most people even get into work.

Getting up early is one of the big things that actually changed a lot of my attitudes and beliefs. I love getting up at five o'clock and getting ready. I'm usually at my desk by anywhere between 5:15 to 5:30. I love knowing that I've got three to four hours before most people even get into work.

So, a lot of these limiting beliefs are beliefs that are passed on to you from other people, from other sources, like the media.

So, what you want to do is you want to list all those limiting beliefs. Put down the impact those limiting beliefs have on you.

For example, if you are afraid to make sales calls because you're not a good salesperson, well that's going to affect you for moving forward. And then what you want to do is you want to put an associated empowering belief, which is, I'm the best closer, or I'm the best salesperson that can be. And then you want to list the impact of having that empowering belief. What is the impact that the empowering belief will have on your success?

So really sit down, look at all your limiting beliefs, look at what's stopping you, your limitations, and then write out the contrary to that. Going forward those empowering beliefs are going to really contribute better to what you need to do.
