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Posted almost 7 years ago

We the Sheeple of the United States

Finance 101 says to earn more than you spend, and invest the difference wisely. Unfortunately, in order to excel at Finance 101, we have to beware of the tenets of Marketing 101. As Mark Manson wrote, “This is all Marketing 101 today… find people’s ‘pain points’ and then subtly make them feel worse.“ Ick!  He continues to say that “people who constantly feel inferior make the best customers.”  Double ick!

Folks, make sure you are not sheeple, being easily led to buy another item that you really don’t need.

A lot of this game, the real estate game or better yet the financial independence game, is about making wise decisions with your money early on. It’s about accumulating enough capital to gain momentum. How can you resist the marketing machines vying for your attention and dollars?

Focus on personal development.

Work on not feeling inferior. Easier said than done! You can make yourself a less attractive target for the constant barrage of marketing by focusing on developing yourself. Daily exercise is reputed to be a foundation habit, one that builds willpower in other aspects of your life. You might choose the hard way on purpose.

Reduce your exposure

Figure out where you are vulnerable, and reduce your exposure. When does the voice inside your head really start playing the inferiority song on repeat? Is it when you read your Facebook feed? While watching TV? After you’ve consumed that sugary dessert? See if you can reduce your exposure to such things, or have a plan to only do that when your energy is high and willpower tank is full.

Make a more powerful alternative

I’d suggest you figure out your bigger goal, a clear and motivating “Why am I doing this anyway?” It’s pretty easy to open your wallet when the choice in front of you appears to be buy the item or leave the money in your wallet. Instead, if your choice is between achieving your goal or buying the item it’s much easier to resist.

I wish you all the success in taking control of your spending and not becoming sheeple!

On the flip side, if you happen to be in the marketing business, do so with integrity. Just because playing on someone’s vulnerabilities works doesn’t mean you should do it. Market responsibly.

Comments (3)

  1. So true!  I should have added "Avoid Vampires" or something like that which are the things that undercut your willpower (i.e. beer).

  2. Good points on personal devo and daily exercise!

    I've often found I use the same will power and discipline in my daily workouts as in saving money, investing, cutting down on beers, etc. 

    1. @John C. Thanks for reading.  Last comment about avoiding things that make you weaker should have been directed as a reply to you.