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Posted over 4 years ago

Ask Yourself How Can I?

Normal 1571940001 Icanscissors

I want you to ask yourself “How can I do what I want to do today?”, “How can I go out there and find deals?”, “How can I go out there and learn about multi-family?”, “How can I go out there and have my talk and build my team?”. Instead of putting the emphasis on reasons you can't, I want you to twist it around and think “how can I, for me?”.

We're actively seeking deals so my “how can I?” is “how can I find four deals this year?”, and again, I'm going to be aggressively patient. That's the term I use aggressively patient, meaning I'm making sure that I’m setting all the right steps that go on to make sure that the deals I find align with the returns that I seek for our deals and our investors. So ultimately it's going to come down to me. How can I put together work to find these deals? “How can I?”, it's going to be that I'm going to have to underwrite a series of deals every week. I'm going to have to underwrite three to five deals every week. I'm going to have to have three to five follow-ups every week. I'm going to have to have two to three new conversations every week. I can refine my process and ultimately it could lead to zero deals, but I guarantee you if I'm not doing any of that, it's definitely going to lead to zero deals.

So your goal today is going to be say “how can I?”, Because I know if I just keep chipping and chipping and chipping away just like you see an ocean hit a rock and over hundreds of years that rock eventually starts to have those markings on it and those markings and those markings I just received just from the waves crashing and crashing.

Well you can set up your steps today by just saying “how can I?”, Start simple pick one thing. If it's picking the market, “how can I pick a market today?”, “How can I build my team today?”, “How can I start to have investor talks today?”, build out one piece of this and start chipping away at it slowly and you're going to look back in a year or five years, and you're going to be just blown away by your progress.

Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for posting Jason, very simple but effective!