Results (3)
Jeremy Toney
Top 10 Books to Read
27 June 2022 | 2 replies
Hello Bigger Pockets Community!I am always posting on forums and looking to network and learn from others so for this post I wanted to give back to the community and offer my own expertise in what I have learned. I a...
Steve K.
Operating Agreement to share?
16 September 2017 | 6 replies
Does anybody have a good operating agreement that they would be willing to share with me to adapt into our own? Colorado doesn't require one to set up an LLC but our lender wants one so I need to write one. Looked onl...
Nathan Gesner
What kind of welcome gift do you leave for guests?
26 April 2022 | 43 replies
What kind of welcome gift do you leave for guests?We're trying to think of a custom gift that fits our retro vibe. You can see the rental below to get an idea. Any other suggestions?