What is everyone's favorite lead source? I found that probate works really well. But sometimes you have to jump through hoops with people not doing their job in the probate office.
Out of curiosity... other than BP, what are some of your favorite resources for information, guidance, tools etc., specific to REI?
Making some changes , Whats a reliable list source where we can combine code violations and water cut off into one master list? Any info is appreciated.
Im curious in BP land - what you have found is your favorite source (or software) to calculate property Comps and why has it earned that title of being your “favorite”?
BiggerPockets is amazing, we all know that. However, it's not the only source. What are your other favorite blogs, websites, webinars, podcasts, etc? And why?
Are you using online lenders for mortgages? If so, what are your go-to resources? And why?
Hi BP,What are your three top sources of information concerning these categories? :1. Market conditions in your target market2. Analysis of properties (sources of information on the property excluding info from seller...
I would say mine would definitely be driving for dollars. For anyone who doesn’t know what that is, it’s driving around looking for distressed properties. Here are a few other ways I’ve been able to get wholesale deal...
Hey everybody!I've been working towards expanding my Real Estate education and have decided to focus my efforts towards my news outlets. I have a few different blogs and podcasts that I jump between each day. What are...
I think this might be a good way to find some new sources . . .
Lets categorize our answers:
Cable News:
Local News:
So, what are your favorite news sources?