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- Plat
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- Red River
- Red Rock
- Reedsburg
- Reedsville
- Reeseville
- Reeve
- Regina
- Reifs Mills
- Reighmoor
- Requa
- Reseburg
- Reserve
- Retreat
- Rewey
- Rhine
- Rhinelander
- Rib Falls
- Rib Lake
- Rib Mountain
- Rice Lake
- Richardson
- Richfield
- Richford
- Richland Center
- Richmond
- Richwood
- Ricker Bay
- Ridgeland
- Ridgetop
- Ridgeway
- Ring
- Ringle
- Rio
- Rio Creek
- Riplinger
- Ripon
- Rising Sun
- River Falls
- River Hills
- Rivermoor
- Riverside
- Riverview
- Roberts
- Rochester
- Rockaway Beach
- Rockbridge
- Rockdale
- Rock Elm
- Rock Falls
- Rockfield
- Rockland
- Rockmont
- Rock Springs
- Rockton
- Rockville
- Rockwood
- Rocky Run
- Rodell
- Rogersville
- Rolling Ground
- Rolling Prairie
- Romance
- Rome
- Roosevelt
- Rosecrans
- Rose Lawn
- Rosendale
- Rosendale Center
- Rosewood
- Rosholt
- Rosiere
- Ross
- Rostok
- Rothschild
- Rouse
- Rowleys Bay
- Roxbury
- Royalton
- Rozellville
- Rube
- Rubicon
- Ruby
- Rudolph
- Rural
- Rusk
- Rutland
- Rutledge
- Sabin
- Saint Anna
- Saint Anthony
- Saint Catherines Bay
- Saint Cloud
- Saint Croix Falls
- Saint Francis
- Saint Germain
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Kilian
- Saint Lawrence
- Saint Marys
- Saint Michaels
- Saint Nazianz
- Saint Peter
- Saint Rose
- Salem Lakes
- Salmo
- Sampson
- Sanborn
- Sand Bay
- Sand Creek
- Sand Lake
- Sand Prairie
- Sandstone Bluff
- Sandusky
- Sandy Hook
- Sarona
- Sauk City
- Saukville
- Saunders
- Sauntry
- Saxeville
- Saxon
- Saylesville
- Sayner
- Scandinavia
- Schnappsville
- Schneyville
- Schofield
- School Hill
- Schultz
- Sechlerville
- Sedgwick
- Seeley
- Seminary Springs
- Seneca
- Sextonville
- Seymour
- Shady Dell
- Shanagolden
- Shangri La Point
- Shantytown
- Sharon
- Shawano
- Shawtown
- Sheboygan
- Sheboygan Falls
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Shell Lake
- Shennington
- Shepley
- Sheppard
- Sheridan
- Sherry
- Sherwood
- Shiocton
- Shirley
- Shoemaker Point
- Shopiere
- Shorewood
- Shorewood Hills
- Shortville
- Shoto
- Shullsburg
- Sidney
- Silica
- Silver Creek
- Silver Lake
- Sinsinawa
- Sioux
- Siren
- Sister Bay
- Slab City
- Slabtown
- Slateford
- Slinger
- Slovan
- Snell
- Snells
- Sniderville
- Sobieski
- Soldiers Grove
- Solon Springs
- Somers
- Somerset
- Soperton
- South Beaver Dam
- South Byron
- South Chase
- South Kenosha
- South Milwaukee
- South Randolph
- South Range
- South Superior
- South Wayne
- Sparta
- Spaulding
- Speck Oaks
- Spencer
- Spirit
- Spirit Falls
- Split Rock
- Spokeville
- Spooner
- Sprague
- Spread Eagle
- Spring Bank Park
- Springbrook
- Springfield
- Spring Green
- Spring Grove
- Spring Lake
- Spring Prairie
- Springstead
- Spring Valley
- Springville
- Spruce
- Stanberry
- Stangelville
- Stanley
- Stanton
- Starks
- Star Lake
- Star Prairie
- State Line
- St. Cloud
- St. Croix Falls
- Stearns
- Stebbinsville
- Steinthal
- Stephensville
- Stetsonville
- Steuben
- Stevens Hill
- Stevens Point
- Stevenstown
- St. Francis
- Stiles
- Stitzer
- St. Joseph
- St. Nazianz
- Stockbridge
- Stockholm
- Stockton
- Stoddard
- Stone
- Stonebank
- Stone Lake
- Stony Beach
- Stoughton
- St. Peter
- Stratford
- Strawbridge
- Strongs Prairie
- Strum
- Sturgeon Bay
- Sturtevant
- Suamico
- Sugar Bush
- Sugar Camp
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Island
- Sullivan
- Summit
- Summit Corners
- Summit Lake
- Sunnyside
- Sun Prairie
- Sunrise Bay
- Sunset
- Sunset Beach
- Sunset Point
- Superior
- Superior Village
- Suring
- Sussex
- Sutherland
- Sweetheart City
- Sylvan
- Sylvan Mounds
- Symco
- Tabor
- Taegesville
- Tainter Lake
- Tamarack
- Tarrant
- Taus
- Tavera
- Taycheedah
- Taylor
- Tell
- Tennyson
- Theresa
- Theresa Station
- Thiensville
- Thiry Daems
- Thompson
- Thompsonville
- Thornton
- Thorp
- Three Lakes
- Tibbets
- Tichigan
- Tiffany
- Tigerton
- Tilden
- Tilleda
- Timberland
- Tioga
- Tipler
- Tisch Mills
- Tobin
- Tomah
- Tomahawk
- Tonet
- Tony
- Topside
- Torun
- Towerville
- Townsend
- Trade Lake
- Trade River
- Trego
- Tremble
- Trempealeau
- Trevino
- Trimbelle
- Tripoli
- Trippville
- Troy
- Troy Center
- Truax
- Truesdell
- Truman
- Tuleta Hills
- Tunnel City
- Tunnelville
- Turtle Lake
- Tuscobia
- Tustin
- Twin Bluffs
- Twin Grove
- Twin Lakes
- Twin Town
- Two Creeks
- Two Rivers
- Tyler Forks
- Tyran
- Ubet
- Ulao
- Underhill
- Union
- Union Center
- Union Church
- Union Grove
- Unity
- Upper French Creek
- Upson
- Urne
- Utica
- Utley
- Utowana Beach
- Valders
- Valley
- Valmy
- Valton
- Van Buskirk
- Van Dyne
- Vaudreuil
- Veedum
- Veefkind
- Vernon
- Verona
- Vesper
- Victory
- Victory Center
- Victory Heights
- Vignes
- Viking
- Vilas
- Vinnie Ha Ha
- Viola
- Viroqua
- Wabeno
- Wagner
- Waino
- Waldo
- Waldwick
- Wales
- Walhain
- Walsh
- Walworth
- Wanderoos
- Warrens
- Warrentown
- Wascott
- Washburn
- Waterbury
- Waterford
- Waterloo
- Watertown
- Waterville
- Waubeka
- Waucousta
- Waukau
- Waukesha
- Waumandee
- Waunakee
- Waupaca
- Waupun
- Wausau
- Wausaukee
- Wautoma
- Wauwatosa
- Wauzeka
- Waverly
- Waverly Beach
- Waxdale
- Wayne
- Wayside
- Webb Lake
- Webster
- Weedens
- Weirgor
- Welling Beach
- Wells
- Wentworth
- Wequiock
- Werley
- West Allis
- West Almond
- West Bancroft
- West Baraboo
- West Bend
- West Bloomfield
- Westboro
- Westby
- West Denmark
- Westfield
- West Kraft
- West La Crosse
- West Lima
- West Milwaukee
- Weston
- Westport
- West Prairie
- West Rosendale
- West Salem
- West Sweden
- Weyauwega
- Weyerhaeuser
- Wheatland
- Wheeler
- Whispering Pines
- Whitcomb
- White City
- White Creek
- Whitefish Bay
- Whitehall
- White Lake
- Whitelaw
- White Oak
- White River
- Whitewater
- Whiting
- Whittlesey
- Wickware
- Wien
- Wilcox
- Wild Rose
- Wildwood
- Willard
- Williams Bay
- Willow Creek
- Willow Springs
- Wills
- Wilmoore Heights
- Wilmot
- Wilson
- Wilton
- Winchester
- Wind Lake
- Wind Point
- Windsor
- Winnebago
- Winnebago Heights
- Winnebago Mission
- Winnebago Park
- Winneboujou
- Winneconne
- Winter
- Wiota
- Wisconsin Dells
- Wisconsin Rapids
- Withee
- Wittenberg
- Witwen
- Wolf Creek
- Wonewoc
- Woodboro
- Wooddale
- Woodford
- Woodhull
- Woodland
- Woodlawn
- Woodman
- Woodruff
- Woodstock
- Woodville
- Woodworth
- Worcester
- Wrightstown
- Wuertsburg
- Wyalusing
- Wyeville
- Wyocena
- Wyoming
- Yarnell
- Yellow Lake
- Yellowstone
- York
- York Center
- Yorkville
- Young America
- Yuba
- Zachow
- Zander
- Zenda
- Zion
- Zittau
- Zoar