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Angela Tod
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Review of Soli Cayetano's (Lattes & Leases) Private Money Playbook Course

Angela Tod
Pro Member
Posted Apr 23 2024, 17:05

******** Posting as Amanda Sugay Alexander, using my partner's account ********

This review is for Soli Cayetano and the Private Money Playbook course. This is hands down one of the best investments I've made in my own education (for contrast: my BS and doctorate cost me $250K, and for RE, apart from books, I recently spent $18K on a syndication coach and $5K on multifamily strategy with Christian & Cody) -- and her course was a fraction of these costs at only $2.5K (Soli: you should up your prices, you are worth it)!

The ROI / punchline: I've already 100x'ed this investment, i.e. it's paid itself back 100x over

She did not ask for this review, but I had such a positive experience that I had to make the time to write it. I am blown away that she is in her 20s, not that age should matter, but she is brilliant beyond her years, and humble.

Her intentionality was evident, not only in scaling her own portfolio, but organizing the process to make it doable by anyone else willing to learn and put in the work. And it's not just content, she keeps you accountable to take action (right-sized each week so it's not overwhelming), and to network with your peers in the program, as well as your circles outside of the program to establish yourself as an investor with integrity to attract quality private money lenders.

Key highlights:

  • * 6 weeks with 1 class per week, and some bonus classes - every minute of each class has been worth my time
  • * engaged community members via Circle, many I know I'll stay in touch with
  • * purposefully small group, allowing Soli to provide dedicated attention
  • * having access to Soli - she reviews all posts and homework assignments with great care, and her feedback is SO valuable
  • tools to CASE (Copy And Steal Everything) and systems to scale - ex. pitch deck, email templates, BRRRR analysis, and so much more
    * practicing your pitch at the end!

Effectively, you get 6 years of experience through 6 weeks of this course, saving precious time and boosting success sooner.

I already have about $300K soft-committed through just a few contacts I've been able to do my pitch for. I'm confident I'd have even more if I hadn't been out of the country during these 6 weeks with my toddler and infant. But now I have everything I need to keep growing.

THANK YOU SOLI. You're incredible!

To anyone reading: sign up when this course comes available -- it's really a no brainer. Best money you'll spend, high ROI - no doubt about it!!

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Travis Andres
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Travis Andres
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Replied May 13 2024, 11:47

Hey, thanks for this post and review of the course.
Question… How in depth does the course get on fix & flips and also specifically generating leads?
we’ve already started our real estate investing journey, however our one bottleneck is Lead generation.

any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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Alex Bekeza
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Alex Bekeza
  • Lender
  • Los Angeles, CA
Replied May 17 2024, 10:16

@Soli Cayetano is as sincere and honest as they come.  I know she is very intentional about adding maximum value to her clients. I've had the pleasure of working with and alongside her in various capacities over the years.  

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